Car CC: A deciding factor before you buy one!
What does it exactly mean when we say that Hyundai Grand i10 has a 1200cc engine? How does it matter? Why do people keep referring to cc (cubic centimeters) while looking for good vehicles? Does more CC means more consumption? Does it have more impact in engine power? Let’s unfold all the questions one by one..........
Since ‘cc’ stands for cubic centimeters, everyone regards it to be the volume of cylinder. But the fact is it is the Displacement volume of a cylinder. In other words it measures how much the engine displays power. It does not include the clearance volume or the volume of the combustion chamber. The cylinder volume for a single cylinder engine is higher than the 'cc' of the engine.
It's a basic rule that a car with a bigger engine displacement will consume more fuel for every mile traveled. There are very many factors that affect fuel efficiency, so don't count on minimizing engine displacement in your criteria when you go shopping for a fuel-efficient car.
So how much CC is best for your car? Well, it depends on the purpose for buying your car. Following points will hopefully clear all your doubts.
Buying a Hyundai Car in Mumbai for City use
If you’re looking for a city car, where the roads are leveled properly with minimum slopes, then your car cc doesn’t matter much. You can undoubtedly go for a car with less cc. Having a car with low cc has its own pros and cons.
- Lesser Power: Firstly, because of low cc, the power of the car is less known from its volume displacement.
- Secondly because of low power, your car doesn’t consume much fuel, that’s where you also have an added advantage of having a fuel efficient car which is a must for city purpose.
- One disadvantage of having a low cc car is that one cannot you cannot take your car to hilly areas as they cannot climb the mountain easily because of having low power.
So if you’re looking for a city purpose Hyundai car, consider
Hyundai’s Grand i10 Car and
Hyundai Eon Car. Hyundai Eon Car CC for petrol version starts from 814 CC till 998 CC and Grand i10’s has 1197 CC respectively.
Just to clear the confusion from your minds, the 'CC' specification for any engine is rounded off to nearest value. It is never exact. For example, Hyundai i10 has 1086cc engine but it is regarded as an 1100cc engine car.
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